Polycystic ovarian syndrome causes sub- or infertility because the body is not releasing eggs regularly (or at all).
Unfortunately, PCOS has an impact beyond reproductive health. PCOS is also tied to a higher risk for other problems including Type 2 diabetes, tendency to high cholesterol, and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
The good news is that with a knowledgeable and caring partner, you can improve your fertility and put yourself on a healthier trajectory.
PCOS is best addressed by a personalized comprehensive plan. This is where Chinese and integrative medicine shine! Jeannie helps to help uncover issues and correct imbalances in the following areas:
Female sex hormones
Androgens (‘male’ hormones)
Thyroid hormones
Blood sugar balance
Stress and cortisol balance
Gut health and microbiome condition
With the right interventions, you’ll activate your body’s incredible potential to heal , become more fertile and get healthy.
Schedule now with Jeannie for either telehealth or in-person visit on the San Francisco Acupuncture Group Website.